Tuesday, June 7, 2016



   I really love nilaga specially when you put a very ripe banana into it that drives a little bit sweetness into the dish,we called it here in Philippines (SABA).. This what we called nilagang baboy is a soupy kind of dish,it is best when you have a fish sauce (patis) together with Calamansi juice as your (sawsawan).
Many foreigner love this Filipino dish and always serve on their table as their
main dish.Lets now go to the tutorials or procedures how to cook nilagang baboy.


* pechay or cabbage 
* 2 potatoes sliced like a cube
* pepper
* (saba) banana
* salt to taste
* 2 taro or gabi (eddoes)
* 2 green onion
* 3 crushed garlic cloves
* 6-7 cup of water
* 1 kilo of pork


1. boiled the pork until it become tender.
2. remove the resulting scums on top of the pot
3. add the sliced onions,crushed garlic and pepper wait until 3-4 minutes
4. add the pechay or cabbage until it become soft and easy ti chew.

 you can now serve your best nilagang baboy ever to your family and love ones.

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